Religion and Spirituality works of art - Caravaggio

Adoration of the Shepherds
The Annunciation
Beheading of St John the Baptist
Burial of St Lucy

Calling of St Matthew
Christ at the Column
Christ in the Garden
Conversion of St Paul
Conversion on the way to Damascus

Crowning with Thorns
Crowning with Thorns
Crucifixion of St Peter
Crucifixion of St Andrew

Death of the Virgin
Denial of St Peter
Ecce Homo

The Entombment
Incredulity of Saint Thomas
Madonna del Rosario
Madonna di Loreto

Martha and Mary Magdalene
Nativity with Saints...
Raising of Lazarus
Rest on the Flight to Egypt
Sacrfice of Isaac

Sacrifice of Isaac
Salome with the Head of John the Baptist
Supper at Emmaus
Supper at Emmaus
Taking of Christ

Taking of Christ

Religion and Spirituality index