Giotto- 1300's

Scenes from the Life of St Francis
Stigmatisation of Saint Francis
Renunciation of Wordly Goods
Apparition at Arles
Death and Ascension of St Francis
Confirmation of the Rule
1. Stigmatisation of Saint Francis
2. Renunciation of Wordly Goods
3. Apparition at Arles
4. Death and Ascension of St Francis
5. Confirmation of the Rule
St Francis before the Sultan
Vision of the Ascension of St Francis

6. St Francis before the Sultan (Trial by Fire)
7. Vision of the Ascension of St Francis

Scenes from the Life of St John the Baptist
Annunciation to Zacharias
Birth and Naming of the Baptist
Feast of Herod

1. Annunciation to Zacharias
2. Birth and Naming of the Baptist
3. Feast of Herod

1300 index