Centuries index 1810

Abbey in the Oakwood
Abbey in the Oakwood
C D Friedrich

Allegory of the City of Madrid
Allegory of the City of Madrid
oil on canvas

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

Text by Webmistress
Captivity is as Barbarous as the Crime
Captivity is as Barbarous as the Crime

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

The Colossus
The Colossus
mezzotint engraving

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

It will be the Same
It Will be the Same

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

Juan Antonio Llorente
Juan Antonio Llorente
oil on canvas

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

A Lane Near Flatford
A Lane Near Flatford
Oil on paper laid on canvas


Les Vieilles, Time and the Old Woman
Les Vieilles, Time and the Old Woman
oil on canvas

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

Text by Webmistress
Mournful Foreboding of What is to Come
Mournful Foreboding of What is to Come

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

Dona Narcisa Baranana de Goicoechea
Dona Narcisa Baranana de Goicoechea
oil on canvas

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

A Prison Scene
A Prison Scene
Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

The Same
The Same
etching and wash

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

Text by Webmistress
Self Portrait
Self Portrait
black chalk

C D Friedrich

Text by Webmistress
Sharng the Old Woman
Sharing the Old Woman
sepia wash

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

Truth Has Died
Truth Has Died

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

Text by Webmistress
Portrait of Victor Guye
Portrait of Victor Guye
oil on canvas

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

What Courage
What Courage
etching and wash

Francisco de Goya Y Lucientes

Text by Webmistress
Willy Lots House
Willy Lot's House
oil on canvas


1800-1899 index

© Copyright 2007 Rev Joy